There are certain critical points at which you should always have your well water tested. Of course, many well owners already know to test their wells every year or when they notice a problem. However, the two other times you should get your well water tested are these:
- When you move into a new home supplied by a well.
- When you have a new well constructed on your property.
New Homes Supplied by Wells
The well on your new property may be in pretty good condition, but just a change in water quality can cause upsets among the family drinking that well water. Digestive upsets are particularly common.
To rule out any problems that need to be addressed, get the most comprehensive water test you can. It should check for bacteria, fungi, industrial chemicals, radon, metals, semi-volatile organic compounds, herbicides and pesticides. The test should also look at hardness, odor, sediment and alkalinity.
If the water passes this test, you’re in good shape! If it doesn’t, then the testing company should advise you on the right steps to take to improve the water.
New Wells Drilled on the Property
When you test water from a new well drilled on your property, it’s smart to choose a comprehensive test in this situation as well. A conscientious drilling company will carefully select a location for a well that is as certain as possible to be free from contamination. However, it’s not always possible to know the complete history of a property and any industrial or farming activities that were once extant near the location of the new well.
A water test before beginning to utilize a well’s water will rule out any problems and ensure the drilling company has done its job well.
Just be sure to tell a water testing company that you are testing a new well because there are certain manufacturing chemicals that may show up in the water for a while. This is a natural occurrence with a new pump and other well equipment.
Once You Get Your Water Test Results
Once you look over all those numbers, now what do you do? In some cases, the reason for positive test results will need to be determined. The presence of bacteria or fungi, for example, could mean that bugs or organic matter are getting into the well so that it needs to be better sealed.
If a repair is needed to eliminate the source of the problem, then the well needs to be disinfected as soon as the repair is complete. As long as there is no further contamination, this disinfection should last a considerable time. You should expect to retest water once a year to ensure no new problems come up. In many cases, a less comprehensive test will serve your purposes in these repeat tests.
If you get a positive test result for undesirable chemicals, metals or pesticides, you may need to install a good quality filter. The type of unwanted substance found in your water will determine the correct solution.
Whatever the results are, make sure you get advice on the best way to eliminate the causes of the problem. You don’t want to just put a band-aid on something as vital as the quality of your water supply.
When you work with ETR Laboratories, you’ll find that we have a deep understanding of the causes of water quality problems. We are always willing to advise you on the most effective methods of supplying your family with healthy water. Call us at (800) 344-9977 if you need advice on which type of water test to choose.