10 Ways You May Be Contaminating Your Own Water Well

Every private well owner wants to be able to count on a steady supply of clean water for their family, household pets and property. What some well owners don’t know is that they could be the cause of contamination of their own well.

There are ten common mistakes that well owners make that could be the cause of well problems.

  1. Failing to properly locate and repair your own septic system: Most experts recommend a septic system be located 50 to 100 feet from a well. Certain types of soil or shallow groundwater levels might dictate a greater distance. Also, regularly inspect a septic system to ensure that age, root intrusion, freezing, erosion and settlement have not created damage that now requires repair.
  2. Not pumping your septic system every three to five years by a state-licensed seepage disposal service. Failure to adhere to this schedule can result in untreated sewage leaking into your well, your yard or even your home.
  3. Not building your well in a location that avoids runoff from nearby roads. Choosing the site for your well is extremely important. Only use properly licensed and insured well drilling companies. If your well is located downhill from a road, winter salting or road chemicals may make their way into your well.
  4. Washing paint brushes and painting equipment in the sink so that chemicals enter your septic system. Some paints and other construction materials contain chemicals that kill bacteria. Adding them to a septic system can damage the ability of the system to properly treat waste matter.
  5. Not making sure your wellhead is at least 12 to 18 inches above ground level. If your wellhead is lower than this or even level with the ground, heavy rain or snowfall can infiltrate your well. Even a minor flood can contaminate your well. Some people use well houses or pump houses for extra protection of the underground well in addition to above-ground components.
  6. Allowing gasoline or motor oil leaks to soak into the ground. Ensure that anyone working on your property does not allow gas or oil to leak from their equipment. Anyone changing their oil on the grounds should use a double-walled tank or drip pan to prevent leaks. Never dispose of these chemicals by pouring them on the ground.
  7. Storing gasoline or oil near your well or in a container that is easily punctured. The only containers that should be used for gasoline or oil are those specifically designed for this purpose as they are durable enough to protect the environment. They will also have tight-fitting caps.
  8. Using fertilizers or pesticides within the wellhead protection area. The 100 feet around your wellhead should be protected from any possible pollutants. This means you should avoid the use of fertilizers or pesticides within this area. If they must be used, use them minimally and only according to the directions accompanying the product.
  9. Housing livestock within 50 feet of the well. Anyone in charge of livestock should know the location of the well so they do not move livestock into this area.
  10. Not testing well water annually so you detect contamination from nearby septic systems, local contamination sources, agricultural or manufacturing activities, or industrial spills. There are always changes happening that could impact the well. The only way to stay on top of these changes is to monitor the quality of the well with professional testing.

Avoidance of These Common Water Well Problems is Possible

Avoiding these problems means that a well owner must stay knowledgeable and vigilant. That steady access to clean, healthy water requires a consistent schedule of inspections and repairs, correct planning when placing a well or septic system and careful monitoring of activities on or near the property.

Regular testing of well water is a necessity to determine if any problems like these have resulted in unwanted pathogens or chemicals in your well water. When you need an update on your well water quality, choose our Basic Water Test which looks for 53 unwanted substances and pathogens. Being able to turn on the taps and watch fresh, sweet water pour out is your payment for this vigilance and care.